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Planning Board Minutes 07/12/2018
  Chichester Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
Wednesday July 12, 2018

Members Present: Chairman Stan Brehm, Michael Williams, Jeff Jordan, Richard Moore, Tom Houle, Ann Davis, Richard Bouchard, Kristy Barnouski Secretary.

Others present: Matt Monahan, Jonathan Halle, John Eller, George Chadwick, Donna Chagnon, Allen Mayville, and other members of the public.

Mr. Brehm called the meeting to order at 6:30pm.

Mr. Williams made a motion and Mr. Jordan seconded to approve the minutes with grammatical changes from the June 20, 2018 and grammatical and one sentence added about change in number of units due to septic for July 5, 2018 Meeting.  Motion passes.  

Continued Public Hearing- Chichester Commons, 14 Unit affordable housing unit-
Mr. Halle came back before the Board to go over the issues they had found in the previous meeting to satisfy the Board for conditional approval.  
Open space-
The first issue the Board addressed was the open space area for the project.  Mr. Chadwick presented a new plat depicting all of the open space area on the lots as well as explaining that the amount required for this project is 60,428 sq. ft. and what is provided 94,701 sq. ft. which exceeds the 25% required amount.  Mr. Moore struggled with whether or not the area provided was actually suitable for recreational use.  Mr. Chadwick stated that all of the unacceptable areas including wetlands and parking areas had been removed.  The applicant agreed to construct a 30X40 1200 sq. ft. area for passive recreation.  

Waiver #1-to permit the construction of a housing building with a footprint of 9995sq/ft where only 5,000 sq/ft is permitted.  
This waiver asks that a 9,995 sq. ft. building be permitted where only a 5,000 sq. ft. building is allowed.   
Mr. Williams made a motion and Ms. Davis seconded to approve waiver #1 submitted by Jonathan Halle of Chichester Commons-affordable housing units.  Motion passes.  
Waiver #2-Conditional use permit/density
A 14 unit multi family structure on a 5.549 acre lot where 8 acres is required.
Mr. Williams made a motion and Mr. Jordan seconded to approve the conditional use permit for the development of a 14 unit  multi family structure on 5.549 acres where 8 acres is required, eleven 1 bedrooms and three 2 bedroom units to be defined by NHFA standards and contingent upon a lot merger.  All in favor, Moore, nay.  Bouchard, nay. Houle, nay. With a vote of 4/3 Motion passes.  

Conditional Use Permit-Waiver #2 request
Mr. Halle argued that what is allowed by right is less than the 14 unit project he is proposing.  He stated that he could be allowed to put a 4 house development on the same property which could hold 3-4 bedrooms each and house a lot more people.  He also stated that this proposal is smaller than what was previously approved with his proposed elderly housing project which was approved.  
Mr. Bouchard pointed out that in the narrative has the wrong number of units listed which needs to be adjusted to 11 one bedrooms and 3 two bedrooms throughout all the documents.  
Mr. Williams pointed out that the acreage on the waivers also appear to be wrong and when the Planning Board approves a waiver all of the information must be correct and adjusted accordingly.  
Mr. Eller did send provisions on controlling the amount of children and control the overall density.  
Mr. Williams asked Mr. Monahan is this project gets the Town closer to fulfilling the amount of affordable housing units.  Mr. Monahan stated that it would help get the Town closer to the number needed but not hit the threshold.
Mr. Bouchard stated that he didn’t feel comfortable with the density.  
Ms. Davis stated that based on the well there cannot be any more than 24 people living in the building.
Waiver #3
This waiver requests a building height of 39ft where 35 ft. is allowed.  Mr. Brehm asked if we have anything from Deputy Cole on this matter.  Mrs. Barnouski stated that Mr. Cole would like an access road put in however she didn’t not have anything in writing at this time from him.  Mr. Moore stated that he would rather wait for the Fire Departments input on this matter.  The rest of the Board wanted to move forward and take a vote.  
Mr. Williams made a motion and Mr. Houle seconded to approve waiver #2 to allow the building height of 39ft.  Mr. Moore voted nay.  Motion passes.   

Waiver #4 to permit the continued commercial parking at the Mall with a total of 42 parking spaces wehre 47 spaces is required.
Mr. Williams made a motion and Ms. Davis seconded to approve waiver #4 to allow 42 parking spaces where 47 is required.  All in favor, Bouchard, nay.  6/1 vote motion passes.

 Waiver #5
A waiver is requested to allow the two use, residential and retail, to be allowed on one merged lot.
The Board discussed mixed use of the two properties at length.  
Mr. Jordan made a motion and Mr. Houle seconded to approve waiver#5. All in favor. Wiliams, nay.  6/1 vote, motions passes.  

Lot merger-
Mr. Williams made a motion and Mr. Houle seconded to approve the lot merger contingent upon final approval of the plan.  Motion passes.  

Site Plan Application-
Mr. Willams made a motion and Mr. Jordan seconded to approve the site plan application with the condition of the pending review strictly of the drainage by CDL. Motion passes.

Subdivision Application-
Mr. Jordan made a motion and Mr. Willams seconded for conditional approval of the subdivision subject to review of the condo docs by the Town Attorney.  Motion passes.

Mr. Monahan of CNHRPC wanted to schedule a briefing for the next meeting to discuss the data and identify the gaps and go over some strategies for the upcoming zoning changes.  They will be back for the August 2, 2018 meeting to discuss the overall plan so far.  

Mr. Monahan will send the Planning Board some materials to borrow from Allenstown regarding Solar for the Board to discuss at a later date.  

Adjournment- Having no further business, a motion was made by Mr. Williams made a motion and seconded by Ms. Davis to adjourn the meeting at 9:10pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Kristy Barnouski, Secretary
Not approved until signed.

Chairman, Stan Brehm